Pixel Perfect Creative Developer
As a Pixel Perfect Creative Developer, I blend precision in design with technical expertise to craft seamless digital experiences.
About Me

I'm painting the pixel-perfect canvas of the digital realm. No more reverie, let's bring it to life.


Hello, I'm Gaurav, a dedicated Front-End Engineer with expertise in TypeScript, React/Next.js, and Vue.js. I bring a strong foundation in frontend technologies, coupled with a proven track record of problem-solving and effective collaboration. My passion lies in driving innovation and achieving business objectives through cutting-edge UI design.

Holding a Master's in Computer Applications, I'm committed to continuous learning and staying ahead in the dynamic world of frontend development. I'm enthusiastic about contributing my skills to projects that push the boundaries of user experiences. Let's connect and explore how my expertise can elevate your team's success.

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Career Adventures: From Start to Now

Experience & Work

Frontend Engineer
July 2022 - Present
As a Frontend Engineer at Swift, I played a pivotal role in developing innovative and user-centric solutions that significantly impacted the user experience and overall performance of digital platforms. My key responsibilities and achievements include:
  • Achieved a remarkable reduction in site load time from 12 seconds to an impressive 2 seconds, greatly enhancing the overall user experience for checkout.
  • Development of an advanced Shopify Checkout system, seamlessly integrating with Shopify merchants' platforms.
  • Developed a robust Auth Layer, streamlining the secure sending and verification of customer credentials.
  • Developed a Window Message API Wrapper for React, utilizing hooks to establish smooth communication between components through an event-based system.
  • Integrated analytics support with major providers such as Google, Facebook, CashKaro, and Google Ads, providing valuable insights into customer behavior and conversion metrics.
You consistently demonstrate a commitment to excellence, driving improvements in code efficiency, responsiveness, and overall user satisfaction. Your proactive approach in addressing challenges and implementing innovative solutions has contributed significantly to the success of key projects and the continuous improvement of frontend technologies at Swift.
Frontend Engineer - Intern
Jan 2022 - June 2022
During my internship at Swift, I had the opportunity to work on impactful projects that significantly contributed to the company's operations and frontend development. My key responsibilities and achievements include:
  • Solely implemented the entire Escalation Management System(EMS) frontend.
  • Transformed day-to-day operations by EMS the central hub for communication and issue resolution between Account Managers (AMs) and Operations teams (Ops).
  • Contributed significantly to the initial Swift Library, shaping a versatile toolkit with essential components.
  • Created graphical drill-downs for RTO analysis, providing a visual representation of courier performance across different states and cities.
  • developed a public Swift Address Verification portal aimed at delivering real-time validation for addresses
Tech Artisan
2020 - Present
On Instagram, I engaged with the coding community by creating educational content through coding videos. With a focus on simplicity and fun, I taught JavaScript and CSS using creative projects. These videos featured a hands-on, project-based approach, and I complemented the learning experience with visually appealing images. The goal was to make coding accessible and enjoyable for a broad audience, fostering a community of learners interested in exploring the world of programming.
  • Created and shared coding videos featuring practical projects, allowing followers to learn by doing.
  • Showcased the latest trends and emerging design concepts in the world of web development.
  • Shared innovative and time-saving JavaScript tricks to enhance coding efficiency.
  • Demonstrated various CSS effects to add flair and interactivity to web projects.
  • Taught the basics of Markdown syntax for creating well-formatted and easily readable documentation.
Crafting Tomorrow's UI Innovation

Personal & Professional Projects

Shopify CheckoutView - (Buy Product)
As a part of the Swift development team, I contributed to building an advanced Shopify Checkout system, seamlessly integrated with Shopify merchants' platforms, bringing a host of benefits to enhance the e-commerce journey.

Key Features:-

Fraud Detection for High RTO Risk: Implementing advanced fraud detection algorithms, it identifies customers with a "High RTO risk," allowing merchants to take proactive measures and mitigate potential losses.

Analytics Support Across Platforms: The Checkout System supports analytics integration with major providers, including Google, Facebook, CashKaro, and Google Ads, providing valuable insights into customer behavior and conversion metrics.

Abandoned Checkout Recovery: Leveraging SMS and WhatsApp notifications, the Checkout System excels at recovering abandoned checkouts. This proactive approach significantly boosts recovery rates when customers leave the checkout process unfinished.

Personalized Checkout Theme: The Checkout System is crafted with a keen emphasis on resolving UX challenges, ensuring a visually appealing and user-friendly interface. Sellers can create a unique brand experience with a personalized checkout theme. This includes customization options for brand colors, logos, and support links, fostering a cohesive brand identity.

Dynamic Payment Methods: Tailoring payment methods to pricing brackets adds a layer of flexibility, ensuring a seamless and user-centric payment experience for customers.

EMS (Escalation Management System) Internal
I developed an internal tooling solution, EMS, designed to facilitate cross-functional teams in efficiently escalating and monitoring issues. This system significantly enhances operational flow, contributing to increased efficiency and customer success. The Swift Operations now relies on EMS, serving as a central hub for managing day-to-day escalations originating from Freshchat, Email, and Whatsapp.

Key Features:-

Role-Based System: Enables employees to access specific sections based on their roles, ensuring efficient management. Special admin roles empower administrators to monitor and oversee the entire system.

Auto Assignment of Issues: Enhances workflow efficiency by streamlining the allocation of tasks to the appropriate personnel.

Ticket-Based Solutions: Implements a ticketing system for all escalations, grouping similar issues into a single, manageable unit. Facilitates organized and systematic handling of escalations, leading to effective resolution.

Attachments: Providing the ability to attach files enhances communication and understanding of escalated issues.

Ticket History: Maintains a comprehensive history log for each ticket, offering insights into the status and key moments in the escalation process. Provides a valuable tool for analysis, auditing, and improving the overall management of escalations.

Swift Library Internal
As a contributor to the initial Swift Library, I played a vital role in shaping a versatile toolkit. This library encompasses essential components such as Grid Filters, Grid Stats, Icons Library, Hooks, API Wrappers and more. The components are meticulously crafted to offer:

Window Message API Communication: Introduces a wrapper on top of the window message API, facilitating smooth communication between components through an event-based system. This ensures seamless coordination and interaction between different elements of the application.

Polling Systems for UI: Built on the foundation of React hooks, this feature introduces an advanced polling system for the user interface. By harnessing the power of React hooks, it seamlessly facilitates dynamic data retrieval from diverse endpoints at predefined intervals, ensuring an enhanced and responsive user experience.

Auth Layer: Incorporates a robust authentication layer, streamlining the process of sending and verifying customer credentials securely.

Dashboard Utilities: I've crafted a diverse set of dashboard helper components, stats, grid , filters, and more. This streamlined approach resulted in the implementation of a new grid within just 100 lines of code, showcasing the efficiency and simplicity of the development process.

Icons Library: A rich collection of icons, enhancing the visual appeal and usability of applications by offering a diverse set of graphical elements.

Route-Based Tabs Systems: Implements a route-based tabs system, enabling dynamic and context-aware tab management within applications.

Web Editor View - (Github)
Personal Project
Introducing a web-based editor tailored for FrontEnd development, equipped with a range of powerful features:

Forking Capability: Enables users to fork and collaborate on others' projects seamlessly, fostering a collaborative development environment.

NPM Package Support: Incorporates robust support for npm packages, facilitating the integration of third-party libraries and tools into projects.

Multiple Themes: Offers a customizable user experience with multiple themes, allowing developers to personalize the editor's appearance according to their preferences.

Export Functionality: Empowers users to export projects for local development or hosting elsewhere, providing flexibility in deployment options.

Live Editing Support: Facilitates real-time editing, allowing developers to witness changes instantly and enhance the efficiency of the development workflow.

Powered by Microsoft's Monaco Editor: Leverages the advanced capabilities of Microsoft's Monaco Editor, ensuring a feature-rich and efficient coding experience.

Music System View
Personal Project
Introducing a dynamic Music System inspired by Spotify, this project encompasses key functionalities that redefine the music listening experience:

Upload Music: Users can effortlessly upload their music, contributing to a diverse and personalized music library within the system.

Listen Music: A seamless and immersive music playback experience, allowing users to explore and enjoy a vast collection of uploaded tracks.

Comments: Foster a sense of community engagement by providing users with the ability to leave comments on tracks, encouraging social interaction around shared musical interests.

Background Play: Enhance user flexibility with the ability to play tracks in the background. This feature ensures uninterrupted music enjoyment while navigating through other aspects of the system.

Address Verification Tool

I developed a public Swift Address Verification portal aimed at delivering real-time validation for addresses. By swiftly verifying addresses in real-time, the portal ensures a high level of accuracy. It goes beyond the conventional address validation process by actively catching incomplete addresses, reducing the likelihood of errors and enhancing data completeness.

The system is equipped with advanced algorithms to detect and flag addresses associated with fraud or non-existent locations. This feature adds an extra layer of security and reliability to the address verification process. Additionally, the portal identifies and highlights addresses with incorrect pincodes, minimizing challenges related to delivery and ensuring precise location information.

In essence, the Address Verification project stands as a robust tool, providing businesses and individuals with a trustworthy solution to validate and verify addresses, ultimately contributing to improved data quality and operational efficiency.